For fifty years, Central College Christian School has strived to build educated, Christian leaders for tomorrow’s church, communities, and world
The Kingdom of God Made Visible
CCCS trains our students to approach learning through this lens as they engage in the critical thinking process The Bible's Creation Fall, Redemption theme guides this process. In each area of study, students will ask, "What did God intend? How has it been broken by sin? How does God want us to respond?"
Our Faith in Jesus Christ compels us to add the first layer of thought that does not exist in other schooling experiences. CCCS believes that when our students are trained to think critically as well as Christianly, they will become more than mere learners: leaders in our communities, equipped to promote change in a broken world.
How Do We Accomplish Our Mission?
Your child’s first day at Central College is more than the launch of his/her academic learning; it is a significant start toward becoming the person God has called them to be. From the time they step through our doors, we join with parents in shaping fresh minds into women and men who:
Follow Christ
Recognizing God’s sovereignty, Central College graduates seek to fulfill His call on all aspects of their lives. They look to act justly, love mercy and walk humbly with our God
(Micah 6:8).
Learn Purposefully
Acknowledging that God’s truth is all truth, Central College grads understand that growing in wisdom is a result of lifelong engagement in God’s world. Inherent to being in God’s image is the continued uncovering of beauty and complexity in life to redeem our fallen world.
Communicate Successfully
Reading, writing, talking, and listening are vital for navigating the future and living a Christian life (I Timothy 4:12). Grads also demonstrate an ability to understand the communication relevant to all disciplines and in daily life.
Lead and Serve
Loving others well requires strength in humility. Because leadership and servant mindfulness are inextricably linked, Central College students use experience, knowledge, and wisdom to be the light for His kingdom.
Statement of Faith
We believe that God Almighty eternally coexistent in the Trinity-Father, Son and Holy Spirit - is the all-loving supreme authority throughout the universe which He created.
We believe God divinely inspired the Bible which is His guide to us in practice of faith and daily living.
We believe all people are created in the image of God but we do not live up to Jesus’s teachings and we sin. We believe in justification through faith in Jesus Christ, who died on the cross so that our sins may be forgiven by the Grace of God. We believe Jesus is resurrected and lives eternally.
God’s People
We believe that we may have a personal relationship with God through Jesus Christ and that God gave us the Holy Spirit to guide us in fulfilling His purpose for us. We believe we are called to follow Christ’s example by witnessing and ministering to the World.