School Lunch Information
Our Hot Lunch Program Meets Or Exceeds All State Nutrition Requirements
CCCS's hot lunch program meets or exceeds all state nutrition requirements. We offer appetizing, kid-friendly, nutritious meals following the national guidelines for balanced school lunches. Whole grain pastas and breads, an abundance of fresh fruits and vegetables, and leaner main dishes are integral to our lunch menu. Lunches are $4.50 and $.75 for milk.
We strive to make ordering easy and uncomplicated for parents. As soon as the calendar is posted to RenWeb, ordering is open, and the dates that lunch ordering is opened and closed for each month will be consistent as possible. You will be notified by email when each new period is opened and when it will be closed to new orders. Open and closing dates will also be included in the weekly Angel Army News, on Facebook and our website. Please note the the order dates are firm. NO LATE orders will be accepted, so if you miss the order day, your child will need to pack a lunch for that month. We regret that we are not able to make exceptions to this for any reason. We have made a small difference to the ordering procedure this year: you will see only the entrée listed for each date. This entrée will be accompanied by 2 or 3 of the following items (Cook's Choice):
Veggies -- Fruit -- Salad -- Bread -- Fries -- Chips -- Yogurt -- Pasta -- Dessert
Lunches are ordered through ParentsWeb, and you must pay for lunches when they are ordered. When lunch ordering is open, please go to Parents Web> Student Information> Lunch> select the student tab (if you have more than one student at CCCS) > scroll to the bottom of the page and click the Create Web Order button. Enter the quantity next to the lunch or milk only for each item you choose to purchase. Select the tab for your next child and repeat the ordering process. When you are finished, click on the Order Items button and follow the instructions to complete your order.
Please be sure to go all the way through the process. Once you have ordered and paid for lunches, the price of the lunch or milk that you ordered will appear in blue in the monthly calendar. Unfinished orders will appear in red. If your entries are red, that means the order has NOT been submitted and your child will not have a lunch for that period. Closing dates are FINAL, and no late orders can be accepted. If you have any questions, please contact the school before the closing date.
We regret that NO REFUNDS can be made for missed lunches, as the food is ordered ahead of time, based on your orders.