Kid’s Chapel At
Central College Christian School
The Purpose of a Christian Education
Central College Christian School is dedicated to providing each of our students an education based on academic rigor immersed in Biblical Worldview. Our faculty strives to equip independent learners to successfully navigate a culture in which they ultimately will both glorify God and serve others.
To that end, students attend weekly chapel services hosted by Central College Church pastors and worship/music leadership.
Read below what our Senior Pastor, Dr. Rev. Malcolm Davis has to say about his experiences in leading weekly kid’s chapel.
“I love that CCCS provides students truly exceptional preparation for lifelong learning and growth through the best personalized education available. Even more importantly, we strive to connect children and families with the Source of all learning and knowledge, the God who made us all and loves us most.
We are committed to helping your child experience the love of Jesus and come to know him as a companion who will accompany them wherever life takes them. Our weekly (K-5) and monthly (Preschool) chapels are designed to help students celebrate God’s love for them in Jesus and express their joy and trust in him.
Through song and motion, student leadership and prayers, and age appropriate Bible messages from our pastors we meet Jesus, who said, “Let the little children come to me, and do not stop them; for it is to such as these that the kingdom of heaven belongs.” (Matthew 19:14).”