Course of Study
Central College Christian School has been chartered by the State of Ohio to teach grades Kindergarten through Grade Five. A Course of Study was submitted to the Ohio Department of Education for each grade level and was approved for each grade level.
Course of Study/Standards
Each grade level has a Course of Study that lists the subjects being taught at that grade level. Parents may view the Course of Study at any grade level by contacting CCCS administration.
There are Ohio Department of Education State Standards that CCCS has listed within each Course of Study. These exist, as of this writing, for MATH, ENGLISH/ LANGUAGE ARTS, SOCIAL STUDIES, SCIENCE, and TECHNOLOGY. All subjects taught are listed even if a State Standard has not been established for that subject.
All classroom teachers are certified in their area through the Ohio Department of Education. All of our teachers hold Bachelors degrees and many have Masters degrees.
CCCS offers weekly Spanish instruction for all students. Our Spanish teacher has a degree in Spanish Education.
Children also have weekly Art, Music, and Physical Education. These are taught by professionals with college degrees in each of these specific areas. Each classroom visits the school Library Learning Center for thirty minutes each week for library instruction, research activities, or to check books in or out.
In addition to a variety of enriching field trips, programs, and presentations that we bring to the school, we have offered opportunities such as outdoor education, clubs, leveraging the time and talents of our teaching staff, volunteer parents, and other outside experts. We continually seek ways to enrich student education through extracurricular activities. Our students (and teachers) work hard, and we always look for ways to have fun and celebrate our progress.
Bible is a major subject at CCCS. We use instructional materials from ACSI (Association of Christian Schools International) for our Kindergarten program and Summit Ministries for grades 1-8, as well as The Holy Bible (NIV, various translations). The teaching staff instructs Bible four days per week. Mid-week, on Wednesday, all staff and students attend Chapel. Please feel free to join us anytime. Chapel starts at 8:30 am.
CCCS uses a combination of the Bible instruction and secular textbooks. The Board of Trustees is responsible for the evaluation of our textbooks and recommending changes that would enhance our curriculum and enable our students to higher academic achievement. In the presentation of Christian or secular text, the staff is skilled at presenting a Christian worldview.
Our students utilize technology throughout each day. Their Chromebook and chrome tablets are available to every student in every class as needed. We are committed to preparing students to face the ever changing world of technology that they will encounter as they grow and mature. Therefore our teachers use google classroom at every grade level above kindergarten to train students how to use technology for collaboration. Other computer science disciplines include keyboarding, robotics and coding.
One of our other technologies that we are very proud of is the addition of a HD Green Screen Studio where students are able to film announcements, better known here as the CCCS News, and create other fun projects.